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Saturday, August 30, 2014

Book Spotlight: The Spider and the Stone

Welcome Glen Craney,
author of 
The Spider and the Stone

by Glen Craney

ISBN-10: 0981648401
ISBN-13: 978-0981648408
Genre: Historical fiction
As the 14th century dawns, Scotland’s survival hangs by a spider’s thread. While the clans scrap over their empty throne, the brutal Edward Longshanks of England invades the weakened northern kingdom.

But one frail, dark-skinned lad stands in the Plantagenet monarch’s path.

The beleaguered Scots cherish James Douglas as their Good Sir James. Below the Borders, his slashing raids deep into England wreak such havoc that he is branded the Black Douglas with a reward placed on his head.

As a boy, James falls in love with the ravishing Isabelle MacDuff, whose clan for centuries has inaugurated Scottish monarchs on the hallowed Stone of Destiny. James's world is upturned when he befriends Robert Bruce, a bitter enemy of the MacDuffs. Forced to choose between love and clan loyalty, James and Isabelle make fateful decisions that will draw the opposing armies to the bloody field of Bannockburn.

Here is the story of Scotland’s War of Independence and the remarkable events that followed the execution of Wallace, whose legend was portrayed in the movie Braveheart. The Spider and the Stone is the thrilling saga of the star-crossed love and heroic sacrifice that saved Scotland during its time of greatest peril.

Praise for the book
  • Foreword Reviews Book-of-the-Year Award Finalist.
  • "[Craney] has woven a well-crafted, interesting tale." Historical Novel Society
  • "The best book I've read this year." John Graham, seneschal of the Society of Creative Anachronism
  • "It was a marvelous book and I was moved to tears." —Kathleen Ingram, Reading the Ages

“But one runt of a lad, inspired by a headstrong maiden from Fife, would not sit prey for an easy clawing.” Isabella stabbed the crackling log as if gutting a combatant, forcing the two Scots to shield their eyes from the flying embers. Her shuddering voice, taut with the emotion of memory, fell to a near whisper. “Nay, the stars had destined Jamie Douglas to stalk the stalker.”

--from The Spider and the Stone

About the Author

Author Site | Facebook | Goodreads
Glen Craney is a novelist, screenwriter, journalist, and lawyer. He holds graduate degrees from Indiana University and Columbia University School of Journalism. An Academy of Motion Pictures Nicholl Fellowship winner, he is also a three-time finalist for Foreword Reviews Book-of-the-Year Award. His historical fiction has taken readers to Occitania during the Albigensian Crusade, to the Scotland of Robert Bruce, to Portugal during the Age of Discovery, to the trenches of France during World War I, and to the American Hoovervilles of the Great Depression. He lives in southern California.

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And don't forget to check out my latest book, 
Deep Green, 
available in Print & e-Book 

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